Summer is practically around the corner and it carries with it health hazards for all pets. Higher temperatures can likewise mean higher dangers like more wounds, more skin and ear diseases, and surprisingly the chance of a heat stroke. Pets have an internal heat level hotter than people, and with their fur, summer can get exceptionally hard for them. Despite the fact that wild creatures may be all around adjusted to the elements, companion animals can be similarly as helpless to extreme temperatures as their owners.

Heatstroke can occur when a pet's body is unable to cool down to normal temperatures by panting alone, which is how they try to cool down when they are too hot. In this situation, heatstroke refers to a high body temperature that is not caused by prolonged exposure to environmental conditions, such as hot temperatures. Luckily doing some simple things can help us keep our pets cool and comfortable.


It's imperative to avoid exposure to the sun for more than an hour because you have to take in mind that pets are covered with hair and this makes their body temperatures rise and unlike humans, they do not sweat to cool off, instead they pant and look for cool surfaces to cool down. 


Pets get a lot thirstier than we do when they get warm and dehydration can be a threat for them during summer. Some signs of it are dry gums and extreme drooling, so you should be aware of this and continuously ensure your pet has simple access to clean water, and while going outside bring some for your pet buddy!


While going outside you should keep your pet in the shade as frequently as possible. While generally, pets like to sunbathe, direct sunlight can overheat them (particularly canines) and lead to heatstroke.


Furry pets need to be well-groomed during summer since thick coats will make them hotter. Grooming is also an incredible method to keep your pets healthy since additional fur and a hot climate can make a perfect place for microbes and parasites to stay and reproduce.


There are a few signs that on the off chance that you notice in your pet during summer, it could be an indication of a heat-related issue:

  • Heavy panting
  • Dry or bright red gums
  • Thick drool
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Wobbly legs

On the off chance that you see any of these indications of warmth weariness, first, give them water, move them to a cool spot, and get them to the vet. It's not prescribed to put them in chilly water, which can place them into shock.


In the event that you go out in the sun with your pet, is important to keep their paws away of asphalt, concrete, metal or sandy surfaces in the hot summer sun. It can cause severe damage to your pet, and even increment internal heat levels and lead to overheating. A good option could be the use of dog shoes, but this will depend on your little friend since not all pets like wearing extra layers.


In summer your pet is in danger not just for illnesses like heartworm, Lyme sickness, Bartonella but also fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and different parasites that can put your pet and yourself in danger if infected, so ask your vet at Lakeshore Vet and Pet Lodge for the proper clinical solutions to keep your pet pest-free.

If you suspect that your pet has a heat related issue, please call us (985) 626-5615, and our staff will advise you on what steps you should take to help them as soon as possible. If you want to bring your pet in for a check-up, there are also Lakeshore Vet and Pet Lodge veterinarians on hand to assist you. Remember to stay safe during the summer, it just takes some thought and attention.

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